Health and Fitness your RESPONSIBILITY!
Fitness and Health go hand in hand. What are you consuming on a day to day basis?
Someone once told me that I should NOT eat too much fruit because of the high sugar content. Well I’m no doctor but, our bodies were designed to consume fresh fruits and veggies; not sugars from sodas and cakes or even white sugar; it is my belief that once our bodies are contaminated with these artificial sweeteners and drinks, other than water, we then open ourselves for the “good” stuff to then be not so “good” for us.
Think of all the things added to sodas, cakes and even the absolutely delicious butter pecan ice cream. Then think of what these things are probably doing to your body; the aches, swelling, bloating, constipation and, for many, acne/eczema. Make a change. I am not saying to totally cut out but cut back little by little and watch the fitness and stamina increase along with good health. As you adjust your eating, adjust your workout.
Our Program is a great place to start. Imagine increased metabolism in conjunction with our awesome boxing workout. Results can be phenomenal!